Manila Surrounds Me but It Doesn´t Touch Me
Manila surrounds me, but she doesn’t touch me. Or maybe I should say that it barely touches me. I don´t really know whether I touch her. I haven´t asked yet. I don´t know if this is because I spend so many hours on my own, working, without speaking to anyone, or the language, or the fog imposed by pollution, or a combination of all those things but, there are moments in which I take a second to think and I feel that Manila and I find ourselves in two different dimensions. There times that it feels that we are almost touching each other, but we don´t take it any further. I don´t understand the rules or the protocol. In fact, I often wonder if I just said something offensive because I feel that people just stop looking at me and talking to me. I don´t understand the language. I sit in a bus. I spend hours surrounded by people speaking Tagalog or Cebuano and I close my eyes in that way that makes a vertical wrinkle appear in my forehead. Then I try to understand at least a word within the endless sentences being pronounced. At least a word that allows me to take the liberty to fantasize about a (or more than one) content, probably imaginary, of the conversation. Sometimes, during those moments (or whiles, or super whiles, or eternities) in which the sounds around me end up becoming a background noise, almost, only almost, annoying, I think, I imagine, that maybe, if I spend enough time in the bus, or in the stores, or in the office, listening those incomprehensible voices, maybe magically, one day, THE DAY, suddenly everything will make sense, I will be able to understand to the last letter, and I will be welcomed, finally, into the group that as for now looks like, at least, a secret society conspiring against the white, very white, Spaniard sitting next to them. There you go, another Philippines’ revenge… As if the gastroenteritis had not been enough. But I deal with it, and I smile, because that is what I am supposed to do, because it’s the politically correct thing to do and, what the hell, because I do not have a choice. Who knows? Maybe this can also be fixed with a session of reflexotherapy.
3 comentarios:
hahaha! poor thing!!! OOXX Jean
Supongo que debe ser muy duro no tener comunicación, pero más duro aún debe ser sentir que no acaban de verte como uno más...
Pero sabes lo que creo? que te vas a ganar muy pronto la confianza de los demás y acabarás entendiendo sinó sus palabras, sus expresiones y sus gestos... lenguaje corporal que te hará sentir mejor...
Eres capaz de eso y de más... Un beso enorme y abrazos de ánimo!!!
Sandra hija, que texto tan profundo, verdaderamente en tus lineas reflejas unos sentimientos de impotencia y de preocupacion, logicamente el panorama que tu explicas es para sentirte asi,pero veras que todo pasará y seguramente a estas alturas como ya hace unos dias que escribiste el texto,tus sentimientos hayan cambiado o por lo menos tengas los horizontes más claros.
Un beso, La mama.
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