La llegada a Manila fue un tanto traumática… el tráfico, la polución, el calor, el estrés, el constante pitido que muestra la impaciencia de los conductores… Ateneo de Manila es una de las mejores universidades del país. O al menos una de las que tienen más dinero. Está rodeada por una valla y tiene un alto dispositivo de seguridad. Al principio me sentí un poco claustrofóbica, pero me voy acostumbrando a poco a poco. Curiosamente sólo se puede fumar en ciertas zonas del campus, y éstas se llaman pocket gardens (o jardines bolsillo). Otra cosa curiosa, está prohibido nadar en la piscina en bikini, y me tuve que ir a comprar un bañador de una pieza y un gorro de piscina!! El ritmo frenético de Manila me hace sentir a veces que me quiero esconder en mi pequeño estudio, donde la temperatura depende del dispositivo que regula el aire acondicionado y donde hay silencio y tranquilidad. Pero Manila me gusta. No sé… es sucia y gris, y a veces cuesta respirar, pero me gusta la energía, los colores, incluso muchos de los olores… Es difícil explicarlo, pero la verdad es que esperaba que se me hiciera más ajena… No voy a decir que aquí me siento como en casa, pero hay algo familiar en ella… Eso sí, el calor, el tráfico, la polución, el polvo… hacen que cualquier trámite sea una aventura interminable que me deja agotada e inútil durante el resto del día… He tenido que hacer algún viaje al hospital por gastroenteritis… y aún siento que mi estómago se está acostumbrando, pero bueno, lo vivo como el precio a pagar por tener la oportunidad de estar aquí. De alguna manera se tenía que vengar Filipinas conmigo, no? En un viaje que hice esta semana a la isla de Bohol me trataron el dolor de estómago con reflexoterapia o masaje en los puntos de presión en los pies. Aunque me dejó como nueva, me cagué en todo por lo doloroso que fue. Lo podéis ver en las fotos…
The arrival at Manila was somewhat traumatic… traffick, pollution, heat, stress, the constant sound of carn horns that shows the drivers’ impatience… Ateneo de Manila is one of the finest universities in the country. Or at least it’s among the ones that have the most money and resources. It is surrounded by a fence that makes it into a gated community and it has a high security system. In the beginning I felt a little claustrophobic, I am slowly getting used to it. Curiously enough, it is forbidden to smoke in most places on campus, and the only smokers areas, who are obviously outside, are called pocket gardens. Manila’s frenetic rhythm often makes me feel that I want to hide in my little studio, where temperature depends on system that regulates the aircon and where there is silence and tranquillity. But I like Manila. I don´t know… it is dirty and grey, and sometimes it is hard to breathe, but I like the energy, the colors, even many of the smells… It is hard to explain, but I was expecting to feel more alienated from it… I cannot say that I feel like at home here, but there is something about it that feels familiar… I should say, though, that the heat, the traffick, the pollution, the dust… make any errand and endless adventures that leaves me exhausted and useless for the rest of the day… I have had to take a couple of trips to the emergency room due to gastroenteritis… and I feel that my stomach is still getting used to being here, but, oh well, I see this as the price to pay to have the chance to be here. I guess that the Philippines somehow had to find a way to revenge against me, right? During a trip that I took this week to the island of Bohol, I was treated with reflexotherapy o massage in the pressure points in the feet. Although the massage left me really renewed, it was really damm painful! You can see in the pictures….
The arrival at Manila was somewhat traumatic… traffick, pollution, heat, stress, the constant sound of carn horns that shows the drivers’ impatience… Ateneo de Manila is one of the finest universities in the country. Or at least it’s among the ones that have the most money and resources. It is surrounded by a fence that makes it into a gated community and it has a high security system. In the beginning I felt a little claustrophobic, I am slowly getting used to it. Curiously enough, it is forbidden to smoke in most places on campus, and the only smokers areas, who are obviously outside, are called pocket gardens. Manila’s frenetic rhythm often makes me feel that I want to hide in my little studio, where temperature depends on system that regulates the aircon and where there is silence and tranquillity. But I like Manila. I don´t know… it is dirty and grey, and sometimes it is hard to breathe, but I like the energy, the colors, even many of the smells… It is hard to explain, but I was expecting to feel more alienated from it… I cannot say that I feel like at home here, but there is something about it that feels familiar… I should say, though, that the heat, the traffick, the pollution, the dust… make any errand and endless adventures that leaves me exhausted and useless for the rest of the day… I have had to take a couple of trips to the emergency room due to gastroenteritis… and I feel that my stomach is still getting used to being here, but, oh well, I see this as the price to pay to have the chance to be here. I guess that the Philippines somehow had to find a way to revenge against me, right? During a trip that I took this week to the island of Bohol, I was treated with reflexotherapy o massage in the pressure points in the feet. Although the massage left me really renewed, it was really damm painful! You can see in the pictures….
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