jueves, 29 de marzo de 2007
Preparant-me.... getting ready...
Per fi m´he posat a aprendre com fer un blog.... aquests dies seran bojos i no sé si tindré temps d'escriure gaire, pero està bé haver fet el pas de barallar-me amb la tecnologia i haver-lo creat. Segur que així la pròxima vegada em fa una mica menys de por i mandra... Falten menys de set dies per marxar cap a Filipines. Estic contenta, nerviosa i espantada....
I finally sat down to learn how to create a photo blog... The next few days are going to be crazy and I am not sure whether I will have time to write much, however, it is cool to have made the step to fight with technology and to have created it. I am sure that after this, next time I will be less intimidated and lazy... In less than seven days I will be leaving for the Philippines. I am excited, nervous, and scared....
I finally sat down to learn how to create a photo blog... The next few days are going to be crazy and I am not sure whether I will have time to write much, however, it is cool to have made the step to fight with technology and to have created it. I am sure that after this, next time I will be less intimidated and lazy... In less than seven days I will be leaving for the Philippines. I am excited, nervous, and scared....
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